Training Definitions

  • POINT OF DIMINISHING RETURNS © (P.D.R): The point at which the body will no longer benefit positively from movement and tension and begins a negative spiraling effect.
  • MIND LOGIC: When the mind forgoes the signals and needs of the body.
  • STATE OF CONSCIOUS CHOICE: Learn how choices in your workouts and nutrition unconsciously change from conscientious to unconscious leading you to injury in your workouts and weight gain in your daily nutritional schedule.
  • RULES ON NUTRITIONAL PROGRAMS: Learn the rules that will make your body never have to go on a "diet" again, satisfying the central nervous system as well as the digestive system so you never have toi worry about gaining weight again.
  • FOODS: Are your foods "real foods" and can your digestive system process them? How the foods that you eat prevent you from a healthy life and addict you so you don't lose weight.
  • INVOLUNTARY BODY DETERIORATION: Learn what is deteriorating your body no matter how well you stay on a fitness and nutritional program.
  • MASTER MENTAL CRAVING(MMC) ©: Understand what a MMC © is and how it makes you lose control over what you eat. Lear the difference from a regular craving and an MMC ©.
  • STATE OF UNCONSCIOUS CHOICE: Learn why you are locked into a State of Unconscious Choice and how it affects your health, your eating patterns and creates failure in all attempts of weight loss and maintenance.
  • THE MIND: Learn why the mind will always lie to you under the most crucial circumstances and how you can synchronize the body and the mind so your mind will not jeopardize your good health and fitness.
  • YOUTH VS. AGING: Learn the fallacies related to the benefits of youth vs aging. Discover how your youth can be extended successfully way past your aging years.
  • INCREASED PERIOD OF POSITIVE RETURNS ©: Discover how to increase your I.P.P.R. © to increase muscle mass and a stronger body.
  • WINDOW TO CREATE ULTIMATE PHYSICAL BENEFITS: discover the window of maximum benefits while working out and how it affects overeating and undue stress.
  • CARDIOMUSCULAR WORKOUTS ©: Learn the benefits of Cardiomuscular© workouts and how they can increase your strength, stamina and overall fitness.
  • PYRASETTING WORKOUTS ©: Learn the benefits of Pyrasetting© and how it can help develop your body quicker and with less down time than any other workout in existence today.
  • IMPACT ACTIVATED MODE ©: Learn the secret of keeping your body in Impact Activated Mode © while performing your workouts.
  • LAYING TRACKS ©: discover how by having a regular workout routine you are actually destroying your body, damaging your joints, tendons ligaments and nerves and causing future irreparable damage to your body.
  • CONSTRUCTIVE WORKOUTS: Learn how to develop constructive workouts that will allow you to work out without injury or reason to have to quit.